Puppy Pick-Up Results In Surprise Proposal - With Help From Adorable Dog | Happily TV

2022-02-18 12

Adopting a new puppy is usually enough to make anyone’s day. But for one woman it was doubly special - after her new pooch helped her boyfriend propose. Trevor Karbowski got down on one knee with the help of his newly adopted basset hound Scooter. His girlfriend of one and a half years Kerri Camp was completely oblivious to what was about to go down as they couple visited a breeder they had agreed to adopt a puppy from. As they met their new family member, the breeder asked Kerri to read and sign a ‘contract’, which had actually been crafted by cunning Trevor. The fake contract asked Kerri to promise to give Scooter belly rubs and treats, but at the very end asked Kerri to answer a question found on Scooter’s dog tag. A perplexed Kerri lifts Scooter up and reads his tag, before shouting, “Are you serious?”. The tag read: “Marry my daddy”. An emotional Kerri immediately says yes and hugs her new fiancé.